Friday 16 March 2018

Having the CHOICE to Give

Last month I attended a charity event. It was a Sunday night when a couple of hundred people showed up for dinner knowing they were going to be asked to give money. The target was two million dollars. As I looked around to see who could actually pay, I thought the target impossible. The room was filled with hard-working, super generous people who had already given much of their money, even borrowed money, and many were volunteering their time. Some had done all three. 

I could tell they all wanted to do more, but they were just tapped out. About twenty percent of the total was raised by fifty people. There was another $500,000 raised by four families, still leaving us one million dollars short. The last million was donated by one guy and, the audience was thrilled and amazed. People were crying, and proud we had achieved this vital goal of funding this worthy project. 

As I looked around, watching everyone celebrate, I realized there was not a person in the room who didn’t want to be the guy who gave the last million. I came home that night, inspired, with a renewed sense of purpose to teach people how to become millionaires. The reality is, what I have created financially in my life is very simple, and I know people can duplicate it. 

I want to help you reach millionaire status, even get rich, if you believe that you deserve to be the person in the room that writes the check for a million dollars, ten million or even 100 million. Being rich isn’t some pie in the sky, out of reach dream. Regardless of your current economic condition, where you live, or what you do you can become wealthy. I also believe it’s your responsibility to do so. When I was young I made a commitment to creating wealth for myself. Since then I have worked very hard and created generational wealth that is probably indestructible. While I made my commitment to get rich at sixteen, I was still broke at twenty- five. Then I started studying the wealthy, using the principles of wealth creation and codifying what worked and didn’t. It has been a long haul for me. 

I remember saving my first $10,000— then one day realizing it was $100,000. By the time I was in my early thirties, I had my first million set aside. Since then, I have built five companies that produce over $100 million a year in sales, created a net worth well over $100 million and own an income-producing real estate portfolio worth over $400 million. I rolled out a brand new product this week called Playbook to Millions. It’s designed specifically for building millionaires. The content you’ll get in this package I’ve put together is unbelievable. Check it out here, but hurry—there are less than 2,000 spots left for the first edition of the book. Be great, GC


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