Tuesday 26 December 2017

Turning Fears Into Action Items

We all have fears and issues around certain struggles that life has to offer us from time to time: some of us are fearful about death, finances, careers, health, weight, happiness, partnerships, business, coping abilities, aging, relationships with families or friends. These struggles can change with age and stages in our life. What was important when we're twenty is not so important when we are sixty or seventy.

Recently one person mentioned the fear of being a sales person and how to create her own business and find her own clients. This is a struggle for many people, especially for people in the natural health-related fields who find it a challenge to emphasize their talents and their fees. Why? Because we want to take care of people; we don't want them to feel we are putting pressure on them to spend their money. But, aren't we doing just that? If we want to share our services with others, we have to think of the sharing as an exchange. I give you this and you give me that. Both parties must feel that the exchange is of equal value. So as natural healing artists, we must address our fears about selling our services to others. Whenever we address our fears, try to think of yourself from a wholistic framework which can help you coach yourself to learning how to turn your fears into action items.

I spell holistic with a 'w' because, for me, wholistic means whole. We are all whole and we all have the tools we need within ourselves to maintain a healthy, happy, and productive life; but sometimes inner thoughts and fears or outward pressures from the world and others create blockages that stop us from having the life we truly desire. That is what natural healing is all about - finding nature's way to ensure we stay balanced in our lives. Let's elaborate on the word 'wholistic'.

Wholistic can mean the linking or combination of the body, mind and spirit. Drawn from the principles of the Ayurvedic system, referred to as the system of life, we draw on the elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth as the underlying basis of the structure of the universe which is also the same basis within the human structure. We are all made up of air, fire, water, and earth and we use these basic elements as expressions or preferences that help us increase self-awareness of our gifts, strengths, and also of our blindspots - those parts of ourselves that we do not like to visit or that feel boring to us.

This increased self awareness along with the increased developmental use of all the elements within us consists of the Air or Mental side of ourselves which relates to how we think and dream - our ideas about life. The Fire & Water relate to the Social side of ourselves and how we relate to others through communicating, coordinating, cooperating, and connecting. The Earth or Physical side represents how we build a world that is solid and which manifests the ideas of the thinker or Dreamer through the processes of the two Social expressions of Fire or the Actions we take and Water or our Reactions to the process as we move through it.

This whole-person system is driven by the captain of our ship which is referred to as our natural, most preferred element or way of operating. When we allow the captain of our ship to guide us, it helps in its process to yoke all four elements into the maturation of our higher or spiritual self. This higher self is expressed in life by how we take our strengths out into the world to share with others; the ultimate goal of a spiritual life on planet earth is to self-actualize or to bring into actuality our gifts which are tempered by life itself - not in the world of the imagination - but in the world of reality -- through a complete process of manifestation developing and using all the tools within us that nature provides.

The fear of sales, in some sense, can be reframed and doesn't have to feel like 'sales' but sales can be thought of as a context for sharing who we are with others. The process for insights into this struggle is not about getting you to 'sell' yourself but the process is about assisting you in sharing (hence getting sales) your highest, most actualized self with others even when you have or in spite of having these fears and blocks. The fears and blocks are the actual stepping stones for closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be - sharing (selling) your services to others.

No matter what you are afraid of and no matter what your blocks or stressors at the moment are, coaching to conscious awareness helps to bring and crystallize what is not working into what can be turned into an action plan. A good coach will help you create an action plan that is perfect for you and will then assist you in moving toward what you do want instead of what you fear or are striving to avoid.

The fundamental tools applied in a coaching session are personality preferences, behavioural insights, addressing fears and blocks through questioning skills, getting clear on motivational drives, insights for dealing with conflict and confrontation, and the use of various processes to increase personal insights as you focus and move forward on what you want to achieve - hence 'coaching' skills for achieving your goals/targets/dreams.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Danielle_R._Gault/102418

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9849499

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