Tuesday 9 January 2018

The FIRST Thing A Leader Does

How one begins, and what he commits to, and his essential reasoning, and perceptions, generally, makes, the most difference, between a potential leader's success, and less - than - stellar, results! Perhaps, both, the most - often, overlooked, as well as most relevant behavior, is, how one begins, the process of leading! One of the reasons, nearly every group, has some time period, between electing a leader, and that individual, assuming the office/ position, is to permit, someone, to get off, to the best possible start, and planning, as effectively, as he might, to address the needs, goals, priorities, etc, of his group, in a relevant, sustainable manner, from, day - one! With that in mind, this article will review, examine, and briefly discuss, using the mnemonic approach, the FIRST thing, leaders must do.

1. Focus; future; formulate; fresh: How will you be certain, you look at what's needed, with fresh - eyes, and focus, on the best way to proceed? It's important to create one's initial strategic and action plans, based, not only on, present challenges and obstacles, but, also, the best way, to create, a future, which is sustainable and relevant! This should leader a quality leader, to proceed, with the commitment, to formulate, the best course of action!

2. Ideas; imagination; integrity: Rather than proceeding, with the same - old, same - old, approaches, one should use a well - developed, refined imagination, to introduce ideas, which will improve his organization! Never abandon the commitment to proceed, with absolute integrity, because constituents, will, generally, be more willing to follow someone, who they trust, and believe in!

3. Relevant; reasoning; ramifications: What might you do, to ensure, your reasoning is, significant, and relevant? Will you identify potential ramifications, and prepare accordingly?

4. Sustainable system; strengthening solutions: Will you be ready, willing, and able, to look, beyond simplistic, populist rhetoric, and perceive and conceive of, create, and develop, the finest possible, sustainable system? A true leader avoids the easy - path, of blaming and complaining, and pursues, consistently, strengthening solutions!

5. Timely; think: One must enhance his abilities, to strengthen his reasoning, and thinking, rather than taking a convenient path! There can be no place, for procrastination, if you hope to lead, effectively, but, rather, one must move forward, using well - considered, timely planning, and taking appropriate actions!

If you want to be a real leader, you must consider the FIRST steps, and hit - the - ground, running! Doesn't that make sense?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Brody/492539

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9860761

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