Sunday 28 January 2018

The Grass Is Never Greener On The Other Side

It can be so easy to observe what you truly want in other people. You see that ugly guy who has the hot girl! But.. You want that hot girl! You see people driving around town in super cool cars! But, you want a super cool car! You see old folks with spectacular houses! But, you want a spectacular house too! You'll hear stories about people winning the lottery. But, you've played a ticket, and plenty of them too! That winning ticket was supposed to be yours! You see the woman with the beautiful plump breasts. But, you deserve to have those beautiful plump breasts. You see the guy with the huge, stunning, muscular physique. But, you've been eating the right things, working out hard, sweating like a dam dog, so shouldn't you be the one with the big buff body? On and on, this type of 'greener grass' thinking can go.

It is so important that you understand the defeating nature of the state of not being happy with what you have. I caution you against this type of inferior thinking. ONE MILLION won't make you happy, because you're gonna need TWO MILLION to be satisfied!!! And by the time 2 MILLION comes rolling around, that still won't satisfy you, because it's gonna take 4 MILLION!
A hot slice of gourmet pizza can't possibly please you, because you're gonna need the whole pie!!! But even the whole entire pie won't be worth dung to you, because it's gonna need extra cheese, and extra sauce, and it will even probably need a lighter crust!
Being single doesn't please you, because you want an attractive person to court. But... A hot, sexy, attractive partner won't please you either, because you're gonna want a spouse.
But, a spouse still won't please you either, because now you feel suffocated and trapped! You now need the freedom to roam freely and to see other people!
Do you understand where I'm going with this? Do you see how a state of discontentment can rob you of your joy?
Understand that you have the very best that you can ever have in the moment. Don't be fooled into thinking anything otherwise. Because the grass is never greener on the other side. Therefore, stay in your own yard, and tend to the grass that is beneath your own feet!

If you don't have grass beneath your feet, then make up your mind to grow some! This is the superior mindset you must entertain if you are truly going to be content with what it is that you already have!
Be grateful for what you already have. Find appreciation for your current conditions and circumstances. If you do this, you will attract even better conditions and circumstances! It's a guarantee!
If you want more! If you want better! If you desire greater! If you want a whole lot! Plus, if you want peace, and you want joy, and you want an overflow of abundances, then all you must do is be genuinely grateful for what you already have!
Because it's the state of gratitude that powerfully draws goodness to you! Great people! Good amounts of money, both very small and very large! Divine opportunities! Great breaks! Supernatural healings! Profound helping hands! Emotional reliefs and boosts! And all that you desire will literally begin to flow into your life if you would decide to simply be grateful and thankful for what you already have.
If you don't have anything at all to be grateful for, then you should be grateful for having nothing!
And, as soon as you become grateful for having nothing, then guess what? You'll have something to be grateful for now! And, from this point forward, you will begin to attract even more things to be grateful for!
No one has it better than you. You have the best that you can possibly have in the moment. When it's time for you to have better, you will have better. When it's time for you to have more, then you will have more.
The grass is the most greenest on your side of the fence! So mind your own business and tend to your own grass, because the grass is not greener on the other side. It never was, not is now, nor will it ever be! The color, the texture, and the quality of all grass is directly determined by the person who tends to the grass. That means, you truly do have the best possible grass that you will ever be able to keep and have. Respect that.

"Bringing Positive Light And Empowering Perspective To Your Life!"
James J. Elleyby
Motivational Life Coach
Go to my website to learn more about me.
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