Thursday 22 March 2018

Alan Watts - How to Figure out What you really Want

Ask people what they want, and you'll find something extremely peculiar... they will almost every time tell you what they DON'T want.

Why is this? 

Well, for starters it tells you that although this person knows what they don't want, or want less of, they have no idea what they DO want in life. It also shows you exactly where they're focus is, and why they haven't been getting the results they wanted.

What happens when you're driving a car and you look off to the side into the fields? Which direction will the car tend to start traveling in?

Life is no different - don't spend all your time focusing on things you don't want as this is a sure fire way to get more of what you DON'T want in your life! Instead, shift your focus onto the things you want more of and watch the world open up to you...

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