Monday 21 May 2018

Your 4 Degrees of Action and Why Average is a Failing Formula


There are no shortcuts. The more action you take, the better your chances are of getting a break. Disciplined, consistent, and persistent actions are more of a determining factor in the creation of success than any other combination of things. Understanding how to calculate and then take the right amount of action is more important than your concept, idea, invention, or business plan.
To simplify action, we are going to break down your choices into four simple categories or degrees of action.
Your four choices are:
  1. Do nothing
  2. Retreat
  3. Take normal levels of action
  4. Take massive action
Doing nothing” is exactly what it sounds like: no longer taking actions to move forward in order to learn, achieve, or control some area. “Retreaters” are those who take actions in reverse—probably in order to avoid negative experiences that they imagine will come as a result of taking action.
Normal levels” of action is taking enough action to appear average and create normal lives, marriages, and careers; however, they never do quite enough to create real success.
Massive action is actually the level of action that creates new problems—and until you create problems, you’re not truly operating at the fourth stage of action.
Taking massive action means making somewhat unreasonable choices and then following these up with even more action.


The average worker reads an average of less than one book a year and works an average of 37.5 hours per week. This same person makes 319 times less money than the top U.S. CEOs, who claim to read more than 60 books a year.

When average actions hit any resistance, competition, loss or lack of interest, negative or challenging market conditions, or all of these, you will find your project tumbling down.

Average is taking normal levels of action and that doesn’t work in any area of life. Anything that you give only average amounts of attention to will start to subside and will eventually cease to exist.

Average is also the reason why most new companies fail.

Most people are building business plans based on average considerations and ways of thinking, not the massive amounts of action that are necessary to push through.

Average assumes—incorrectly, of course—that everything operates stably. People optimistically overestimate how well things will go and then underestimate how much energy and effort it will take just to push things through.

Compare your actions to having to carry a 1,000-pound backpack that you will wear every day into a 40-miles-per-hour wind on a 20-degree upward slope. Average thinking and actions will only guarantee you misery, uncertainty, and failure!

Take massive actions to have the money and happiness you not only want but need in life. 

Be great, 



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