Wednesday 3 January 2018

How to Repel Negative Energy Other People Send Your Way

Thoughts become things. We usually think about the things we want to manifest in life. Why is it that in spite of all the positive thinking and positive manifestation, negative stuff happens to people? Any ideas? Read on to find out.

The answer simply lies in the fact that there are negative people around you radiating negative energy your way, rebuking you in their minds and wanting the worst for you.

How did these people become so negative and opponents? Somehow somewhere in your attitude and conversations with them, they have been hurt and in return they want to hurt you. Worse still, some may be gossiping behind your back, talking ill of you and implanting a bad impression of you in others.

When you realize you are in this situation, stop playing victim and take charge of the situation. Say to yourself aloud, "I cease to be a victim."

Then face all the adversities, bracing yourself for the worst. That way the worst scenario will never show up. Your courage and brevity will erode the souls of your rivals and enemies. No longer they are the strong party and their negative energy radiating power will begin to diminish as well. In fact, they will even begin to feel helpless.

You can further fortify your surroundings by giving a benevolent speech to the people that matter most to you. Mention all the causes you believe in and how you want them to join in the quest of making the world a better place. You can include short anecdotes and humor stories from real life to better communicate and establish a rapport with these people by making them feel good. Talk about what you like to give away and contribute, persuading and convincing them to do something similar. Soon you will have a mob of supporters supporting you in your mission on this earth.

What happened to those previous rivals and enemies? Are they able to radiate any negative energy anyway now? Are they able to put a curse on you anyway? No, not all. Their group is divided up. Not all support them. What more, the main group will slowly chip at dispersing away to nil. They will see no point in harming you. You have a strong group out there to support and cheer for you. Those negative people have been immobilized and halted.

This is exactly how you repel the negative energy sent out by negative people your way, who have nothing better to do other than wishing for your harm and destruction. So I advised you earlier not to play victim role. And that is the start to take charge and skyrocket in life, accepting the love and affection of the people in your community who adore you and at the same time giving to them something generous in return. Thoughts do become things after all. Ha ha!!

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