Sunday 31 December 2017

✔ What Job is Right For You?

What's the right job for you? Have you found your dream career, or are you still searching?

10 Tips on Etiquette in the Co-Working Office

For the lone freelancer or the newly launched startup, co-working is the ideal office space solution. Flexible, sociable, affordable and convenient; it provides the facilities typically offered in a serviced office - but with the emphasis on sharing.

However, in any situation where strangers are brought together, incompatibilities can and do occur. Whether they be differences of opinion, pet peeves, or even ruffled feathers. Co-working comes with its own conventions and occasionally, written rules of engagement.

Fret not! We've gathered a list of dos and don'ts to avoid becoming the talk of your co-working space - for all the wrong reasons.

1. Be friendly...

It might seem insignificant, but greeting your neighbours with a smile can do wonders to enhance your shared working environment. Not only are happier work environments more productive, making an effort to interact with your fellow co-workers may earn you some valuable networking contacts - or a meet cute.

... but, not too friendly

Know when to reel it in. Even if you and your new BFF are getting on like a house on fire, be aware that you are part of an open, shared workspace. Sociability is of course key to co-working, so there's no need to resort to passing notes. However shared office spaces are not the place for garrulous conversations.

2. Hanging on the telephone

A fully equipped co-working office will likely have a dedicated area or soundproof booths for phone calls. Even if their use isn't mandatory, utilise them anyway. Tempting as it may be to take a call at your desk, even a quick one, consider your co-workers. They have more important things to be concerned with than your dinner plans. Respect the shared space and, where possible, take all calls away from the workstations.

3. Turn it down from eleven

Ambient office noise can vary from workplace to workplace and the same applies to co-working spaces. Foot traffic, banging doors, even blaring earphones. What might be considered tolerable in one building may be unacceptable in another. Don't be that guy. Adhere to the noise policy of your service provider and keep your own ears free of complaints.

4. Keep Britain tidy

Show consideration for the co-working space by keeping your coffee cups, food wrappers and other waste to a minimum. Seriously, no one wants to sit next to a rubbish dump. Organising your desk effectively will both reduce the risk of upsetting your neighbours, and help improve your own productivity.

5. Food for thought

To help maintain your energy levels, most co-working sites provide a coffee bar or snack counter. Many offices also come equipped with self-service kitchens and dining areas. Make sure to follow the house rules when it comes to heating and eating. It's unlikely anyone else will appreciate your leftover tuna bake as much as you. Least of all whoever's next in the queue for the microwave.

6. Under my roof

Every co-working provider will have a list of guidelines on what they consider appropriate use of the shared office space. Some places may be fine with children or pets being brought to work. Others may not permit them to safeguard the comfort of their clients. Too much cute can indeed be a distraction.

7. Your plus one

All co-working sites provide facilities for meeting with clients or external collaborators on site. Even a break-out area may be offered as an appropriate spot for an informal meeting. However, few will appreciate you signing your mate in to take advantage of the free coffee refills.

Co-working may have a reputation for being sociable and flexible, but it is still a site for professionals. In general, if your visitor is not work related, don't invite them in.

8. Strike a pose

Many co-working spaces feature trendy offices and eclectic decoration. Some are so far removed from the traditional office, they feel like a home from home - but they aren't! Unlike the corporate environments of the suited and booted, co-working generally encourages casual to smart casual wear. However, no space is so informal you can turn up in pyjamas. Be discerning about your wardrobe and leave the fluffy slippers under your bed.

9. Live and let... others use the facilities

Whether it's the networked printer or a meeting room, remember you are sharing them with a myriad of other co-workers. Selfishly commandeering the amenities is a fast-track way to the receiving end of scowls and complaints. Avoid over-booking the conference rooms. Similarly, if you no longer need a reservation, cancel it. There could well be someone else desperate to grab that spot.

10. Last orders

While some co-working spaces are 24 hours, the vast majority aren't. On entering a new shared workspace, make sure to note their closing time and wrap your work day up at least a few minutes before then. The host will politely remind you to leave if it comes to it, but they shouldn't have to. Overstaying your welcome always ends up awkward.

Now that our list has you ready to join the world of shared workspaces, remember community is at the heart of successful co-working. Be considerate of others and enjoy being part of a working collective.

Find your next office space with - we do the searching so you don't have to.

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Saturday 30 December 2017

The GREATEST Knowledge Ever Shared (REVISED)

The greatest knowledge ever shared? Do you agree???

The Power of Self-Talk

One of the most powerful 'tools' you can use is that of self-talk; this is where you talk to yourself as if it were a friend, family member, or coach. Self-talk allows you to hear perspectives from an outside source.

Self-talk can be done in both the positive and the negative. From a positive perspective, you can say affirmational words, such as 'I rock' or 'I am extremely talented.' Tony Robbins says to look yourself in a mirror and repeat 'you are beautiful' so those words 'stick' in your mind and reinforce positive patterns.

Self-talk on the negative side is when you challenge any negative, or derogatory, words or thoughts you are saying to yourself. Dr. Daniel Amen says to talk to yourself as if a teenager would: "you're really going to say that you aren't good enough - remember the time when... " Disrupting negative patterns will stop this behavior.

However, it's not enough to stop a negative thought as we need to replace it with a positive. From a neuroscientist perspective, we need three positive thoughts to override one negative which is why the positive words need to come. Consistency is what give mastery, so the more you keep saying positive thoughts the more you will maintain positive habits.

Living in the right side of our brain is what creates a more satisfied and happier life, where you will take risks and move towards your goals and dreams. Being creative through your passions or coming up with ideas, living in peace and love all elevate your mood and outlook. While you may have adversity, you won't look at them as doom and gloom but as what they are, which will allow you to find solutions to deal with them and to let them go.

I've had clients who have used this technique and find their outlook as happier; they feel less-stressed and calmer. Those annoying co-workers may just be having a bad day vs ignoring them, or getting angry; family members who have hurt us in some way can now be viewed as hurting themselves so their actions are not taken as an attack; past failures can now be forgiven and new resolves to learn from them as the norm.

Self-talk is a powerful tool to use to delete negative patterns and to override fears you have. An important step is to reinforce new behaviors you've developed so when you find yourself in a situation where you are holding back, you can remember a past success.

Our brains tend to hold onto negative thoughts, which then become predictors for the future; using self-talk to challenge that fear, and then remembering a past success, is what will move your forward. For example: as a child, do you remember when you were learning how to ride a bike? You started off with training wheels but then your parent said it's time to take them off and ride without them; you may have said no, or cried when it was time, because it was scary and you didn't want to fall. However, you did- but then you got up and tried again and again and, maybe, again, until you got it right.

When you want to learn a new task, and you don't think you can, go back and remember your experience of learning to ride a bike but the success you had; self-talk comes into play "See, you can do it - you didn't think you could but you did." This will change your whole outlook to move you in the direction you want to go.

Start today to use self-talk when you feel challenged and see how it positively impacts your life. Write down your new achievements as 'proof' - you will now be able to work off of them, as your self-efficacy and confidence increases, and to move you through fears that may arise.

Dr. Barbara Seifert, LCSW, CPC, is the President/Owner of Committed to Your Success Coaching & Consulting, which offers individual and organizational performance solutions. Services are aimed at increasing personal and professional development and enhancing organizational wellness through coaching, training and EAP services. Focus areas include career planning, generational diversity, and workplace wellness. We help our clients to identify, intensify and leverage their strengths to achieve desired levels of success. Barbara is a certified coach, a licensed psychotherapist, and an adjunct professor. to access a free report on "The Four Steps to Effective Career Management" and free articles, visit

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Friday 29 December 2017

The Video That Will Change Your Future - Powerful Motivational Speech 2017

Boost your life with this life changing motivation speech from Ashton Kutcher and Les Brown!

Do what the 99% aren't doing!

The Down Side to Being Seen

I've been having an interesting experience these past couple of weeks as the target of a few people on social media whose views differ from my own.

I genuinely like people and find everyone to be unique - we all have a different story, a different experience which dictates how we see things from our own individual perspective. However, how people deal with their perspectives covers a whole spectrum of emotions.

There are people who are tolerant, who respect other opinions, even if they don't hold the same beliefs. They have a "live and let live" attitude which allows for peaceful exchanges! These people often have an open mind and are willing to listen to other viewpoints and then decide whether they resonate or not.

There are also people who have tried different things but found they didn't work for them, and then take it on as their responsibility to protect others from perceived harm. They are fiercely protective but often fail to realise that they are denying other people the freedom of choice. They are seeing the situation from their own perspective and assuming that their experience is the only one. They fail to realise that their experience was theirs and theirs alone and that another person might blossom in a similar situation.

Similar to the protective people mentioned in the previous paragraph are those that haven't tried different things but have learned from other people's experiences and beliefs. They can fall into quite aggressive exchanges because belief systems are often seen to define who they are as a person. To change their ideas is a frightening and unacceptable thought, so they will deny all evidence to the contrary and live their lives on a single track - they are right and everyone who doesn't share their ideas is wrong - end of story!

I have been very fortunate in my years on social media to have met some wonderful people with widely differing viewpoints from whom I have learned a lot. The personal attacks have been few and far between, thankfully. It is indeed unpleasant having total strangers making judgements on who you are and what you are, while at the same time refusing to acknowledge any evidence presented to the contrary. It has given me an additional understanding of what many people have to experience on a day to day basis - a large number of them are only trying to help people awaken to what is going on around them.

When I told a friend of mine what was happening, his response was - 'You are being seen, well done!' Which is true to a large extent. What I am doing is my passion and life purpose and I won't stop - it's a price I am willing to pay for raising my head above the parapet.

However, it got me to thinking about the many businesses that fail within the first few years. It also made me very aware that people who want to run their own businesses really need to find an occupation they are passionate about - that is the only thing that will make dealing with internet bullies tolerable. I wonder how many businesses failed because of this form of harassment. How many business owners decided that living small was preferable.

I remember one of the marketing experts I follow saying words to the effect that if everybody likes you then you haven't clearly defined your business. It's when people either love you or hate you that you know that you are on track. So, I guess from the events of the past few weeks, I am definitely on track!

I also saw a post on Facebook which said something like, if you spend 10 minutes interacting with someone with negative energy, you have wasted 8 minutes of your time. Though this sounds quite harsh, I think there is a lot of truth in it. You are allowing someone to spend time in your head when it's clear that they have already made a judgement about you and won't be changing that any time soon. There are so many other positive things that you could be doing with that time.

From a spiritual perspective, in these obviously very troubled times, I believe that it is crucial to stick to the higher ground. There are huge divisions happening all around the world and it can be easy to be sucked into the negativity and fear, when it is even more important to keep focused on love and the loving people in the world who are making a massive positive difference in people's lives.

In conclusion, I have learned a lot from my current experiences and accept the fact that, for whatever reason, there are those who will never like me or what I do, and that's okay. The important thing is to concentrate on the people that do like us and what we do, nurture those relationships and together we will be able to make a big difference in this world.

Would you like to share your stories of social media experiences?

Sue is the Founder of Soulfully Connecting. The idea behind Soulfully Connecting is to demonstrate that there are other ways of living which can heal the earth, the animal kingdom and ourselves. She is passionate about people having freedom of choice, which is only possible when they know about all the options.

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Thursday 28 December 2017

Focus On Yourself And Not Others (One of the Best Speeches Ever)

One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they are constantly comparing themselves to others; this is damaging at best. One thing we must all be sure to be extremely weary of in this new cyber world of social media and Google is judging the showreel of those we see on-line by comparing it to our behind the scenes exclusive. The two can and will never compare and it's a practice that is guaranteed to leave you feeling deflated and worthless! 

Focus on where you are today compared with where you were yesterday - nothing else matters.

Do you often find yourself comparing yourself to others? How does it make you feel?

10 Essential Networking Tips - Great For the Holidays & Terrific All Year Round

Well... Here come the holidays, and in full force. I don't know about you, but my schedule is BUSY... jam-packed, full to the brim. There are networking events, association and club meetings, family gatherings, friends' parties, Meetups, Facebook events, Evites...

This can be a very interesting time of the year for many businesses (and tough for some). So much to do and so little time, lots of running around from this meeting to that event, back to work, downtown to run errands, to the mall for presents, back to that other event that I almost forgot about...

And if you're a business leader, your productivity or sales might slow down as people gear up for the holidays, unless you sell reindeer feed, like my uncle in Alaska.

All this can drain your energy, cause stress and send some of us straight to "Bah, Humbug!" land. (Didn't know that was a real place, did you?)

But, is that the kind of presence you want to have when you meet someone new at one of these many parties, networking events and meetings? Are you going to let out a cry for mercy as someone new approaches you at the eggnog bowl and tries to "pitch you" their services while grabbing a mini pizza roll?

I know the feeling. I've woken up late in the night and cried out for help and a break from all the holiday overload. But then I discovered the formula of classy, valuable, easy networking... well, it makes everything so much more enjoyable and worthwhile.

Here are "10 Essential Networking Tips." They are especially useful during the holiday season to make connections that count, and they will help you keep your energy, sanity and holiday cheer.

1.) Make a good first impression

It counts OH, SO MUCH!

2.) Be polite, respectful & honest

This is how you want to be treated, right?

3.) Maintain a "giving" mindset

Just like the holidays, successful networking is all about giving. It should be easy to remember this time of year, but it's an important mindset to have all year-round.

4.) Ask for their contact info

So you'll be able to get in touch with them if you are interested in talking further.

5.) Don't sell without permission

If you're turned off by someone launches into a 5-minute sales presentation about their awesome pens that write underwater, in the dark and without gravity, don't assume others are dying to hear about your slick wheel bearings, even if you KNOW that's exactly what they need. This is a very important step - maybe the most important of all. You do want to tell people what you do, but in a classy, stylish way that gets their attention... (See below for more about this one)

6.) Avoid opening with "So, what do you do?"

It can kill rapport building before it begins and can condemn the interaction to being nothing more than boring, robotic and mindless chatter without exchanging the truly important information. If you open your conversations this way, you can miss an important opportunity to stand out from the rest of the crowd.

7.) FOLLOW UP - aka Don't rely on them to contact you

Just because they said they were thrilled to have met you and learned about your slick wheel bearings, doesn't mean they will really call you. They may have intended to at the time, but life happens and no one is perfect. So get their info so you can ensure the follow-up.

8.) Always carry pen, paper & business cards

You never know when a great opportunity might present itself. Yes, even while you're fighting for that last "Cosmic Raymond" action figure.

9.) Do not get out of a conversation by dumping them on someone else

Making another person suffer is no way to get a good reputation during the holidays. Kindly excuse yourself, tell them you need another drink, see someone you need to speak with, or even that you have to "go" really bad! And don't get caught lying as that will kill all of your credibility really fast.

10.) Enjoy yourself!

Relax and have fun! When you're smiling and enjoying yourself, you are more likable to others, and this can lead to a lot of business. Be kind, considerate and magnetic!

I hope these tips help you as you network your way through all the parties this season.

All the best,


If you would like more tips on how to grow your business while cutting your stress, check out the resources at

Jason Rosado helps business owners and executives to multiply their revenue by 50-300% while cutting their work hours and creating more personal time, freedom and flexibility. For helpful leadership, time management and growth ideas, to contact Jason or have him speak at your event, go here:

Jason E. Rosado
Business & Executive Coach
Distinctive Coaching for Business Success

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Wednesday 27 December 2017

The Psychology of Habits - One of The Most Incredible Inspirational Talk...

If you're not a fun person when you're broke, you aren't going to be that much fun when you're rich! Money has a tendency to amplify the intrinsic nature of who you are - if you're an arsehole, well... money will give you the means and resources to be more of one!

Understand the psychology of habits and you will understand some of the most powerful driving forces in our lives. Did you find this useful? 

3 Steps for Successful Resolutions

Certain times of the year lend themselves to reviewing our lives, to taking time to look at where we've been, what we've achieved so far and where we want to go from here. Keeping life interesting and fulfilling can mean introducing some changes, which will often require planning in order that they be successfully implemented. Let's look at three steps for successful resolutions.

Resolution A's

- Achievable. For goals or changes to be actionable they need to be realistic. It's important that they stretch us enough so we keep on trying, but not be so daunting that we give up feeling exasperated, useless or completely deflated. Remember that a high-jumper only knows they've reached their limit when they fail, otherwise they keep on raising the bar. Make sure that you allow for training, coaching or support in areas where you're short of essential skills or knowledge.

- Application is about keeping on turning up. We have to regularly check in with our goals and maybe make a few sacrifices along the way. But it's also important to give ourselves rewards as encouragement and an acknowledgment of our efforts. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath or shower after a workout or training, enjoy a cosy night watching a film after an onerous piece of work. Reward yourself for the hard graft and determination you've displayed.

- Allow yourself to fail from time to time without beating yourself up. Be gentle with yourself. There's no need to be harsh if you slip up or don't immediately reach your target. Re-focus and start again, treating setbacks as minor events on the road to good results. We're all human and a mini-lapse doesn't need to signal the end of your aspirations.

Resolution B's

- Begin with the right mindset, but don't wait for all conditions to be perfect before you start. You don't need to wait for a new day, week or year - right now is as good a time as any. Set yourself some relevant tasks or actions every day. It may be to make a phone call, send an email, do 10 minutes exercise, cook a healthy meal. Find affirmations or phrases that keep you motivated and on track. You could say to yourself 'I am doing this', 'I am worth this', two examples of ways to talk positively to yourself and bolster your self-belief.

- Barriers to successful resolutions may typically be seen as having too little time, financial constraints, responsibilities like work, children, family or partners. Different factors may contrive to get in the way of you being free to pursue your goals but try to work around them. If now's not a good time to commit fully, why not break down your goals and identify the individual stepping-stones that will move you nearer, taking you in the right direction. Work on the one or two steps that you can accommodate right now.

- Blockages may well be an aspect of your own mindset, the negative self-talk that has perhaps accumulated over the years. Identify any stressors or situations that tend to trigger a negative response or divert you from your path. Then you can work to resolve those issues. Therapy can sometimes be useful when this happens, especially if it happens on a regular basis.

Resolution C's

- Check inside yourself to ensure that your goals are right for you, that they're yours and not someone else's. Do you really want to stop smoking, lose weight, get fitter, take your business to the next level? Doing things to please someone else can work for a time but is often difficult to sustain long-term or when the going gets tough.

- Commitment is sustained by belief and the desire to succeed. Setting mini-goals is often a great way to motivate you to maintain the effort. Then you can recognise each step as a positive result in its own right, leading you to the overall prize. Congratulate yourself at each milestone reached.

- Challenge yourself when you set goals and resolutions. It's best when your goals have a real resonance for you, when they stretch, motivate and inspire you, even on the tough or difficult days. That way you get to relish the sense of achievement every time you do well.

- Care for yourself well. When you're the most important person in your life others get the best of you too. When you look after yourself you're better equipped to support others. You're more positive, relaxed and less stressed. Yes, people and situations may need you to be there, to love and care for them, earn money, be supportive, but be sure to find a balance. Caring for yourself and your needs through supporting your goals and quality of life ensures that you're happier and healthier, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Then all that needs to happen is for you to set yourself some goals and resolutions. Why not start this positive process now!

Susan Leigh is a long established counsellor, hypnotherapist, writer and media contributor who works with clients to help with relationship conflict, stress management, assertiveness and confidence issues. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.

To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

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Tuesday 26 December 2017

How To Set Goals | Powerful!

The man, Tony Robbins, on goal setting - what will your goals be for the year ahead?

Turning Fears Into Action Items

We all have fears and issues around certain struggles that life has to offer us from time to time: some of us are fearful about death, finances, careers, health, weight, happiness, partnerships, business, coping abilities, aging, relationships with families or friends. These struggles can change with age and stages in our life. What was important when we're twenty is not so important when we are sixty or seventy.

Recently one person mentioned the fear of being a sales person and how to create her own business and find her own clients. This is a struggle for many people, especially for people in the natural health-related fields who find it a challenge to emphasize their talents and their fees. Why? Because we want to take care of people; we don't want them to feel we are putting pressure on them to spend their money. But, aren't we doing just that? If we want to share our services with others, we have to think of the sharing as an exchange. I give you this and you give me that. Both parties must feel that the exchange is of equal value. So as natural healing artists, we must address our fears about selling our services to others. Whenever we address our fears, try to think of yourself from a wholistic framework which can help you coach yourself to learning how to turn your fears into action items.

I spell holistic with a 'w' because, for me, wholistic means whole. We are all whole and we all have the tools we need within ourselves to maintain a healthy, happy, and productive life; but sometimes inner thoughts and fears or outward pressures from the world and others create blockages that stop us from having the life we truly desire. That is what natural healing is all about - finding nature's way to ensure we stay balanced in our lives. Let's elaborate on the word 'wholistic'.

Wholistic can mean the linking or combination of the body, mind and spirit. Drawn from the principles of the Ayurvedic system, referred to as the system of life, we draw on the elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth as the underlying basis of the structure of the universe which is also the same basis within the human structure. We are all made up of air, fire, water, and earth and we use these basic elements as expressions or preferences that help us increase self-awareness of our gifts, strengths, and also of our blindspots - those parts of ourselves that we do not like to visit or that feel boring to us.

This increased self awareness along with the increased developmental use of all the elements within us consists of the Air or Mental side of ourselves which relates to how we think and dream - our ideas about life. The Fire & Water relate to the Social side of ourselves and how we relate to others through communicating, coordinating, cooperating, and connecting. The Earth or Physical side represents how we build a world that is solid and which manifests the ideas of the thinker or Dreamer through the processes of the two Social expressions of Fire or the Actions we take and Water or our Reactions to the process as we move through it.

This whole-person system is driven by the captain of our ship which is referred to as our natural, most preferred element or way of operating. When we allow the captain of our ship to guide us, it helps in its process to yoke all four elements into the maturation of our higher or spiritual self. This higher self is expressed in life by how we take our strengths out into the world to share with others; the ultimate goal of a spiritual life on planet earth is to self-actualize or to bring into actuality our gifts which are tempered by life itself - not in the world of the imagination - but in the world of reality -- through a complete process of manifestation developing and using all the tools within us that nature provides.

The fear of sales, in some sense, can be reframed and doesn't have to feel like 'sales' but sales can be thought of as a context for sharing who we are with others. The process for insights into this struggle is not about getting you to 'sell' yourself but the process is about assisting you in sharing (hence getting sales) your highest, most actualized self with others even when you have or in spite of having these fears and blocks. The fears and blocks are the actual stepping stones for closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be - sharing (selling) your services to others.

No matter what you are afraid of and no matter what your blocks or stressors at the moment are, coaching to conscious awareness helps to bring and crystallize what is not working into what can be turned into an action plan. A good coach will help you create an action plan that is perfect for you and will then assist you in moving toward what you do want instead of what you fear or are striving to avoid.

The fundamental tools applied in a coaching session are personality preferences, behavioural insights, addressing fears and blocks through questioning skills, getting clear on motivational drives, insights for dealing with conflict and confrontation, and the use of various processes to increase personal insights as you focus and move forward on what you want to achieve - hence 'coaching' skills for achieving your goals/targets/dreams.

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Monday 25 December 2017

50 Entrepreneurs Share Priceless Advice

50 of the World's greatest entrepreneurs share their wealth of experience - can you commit to taking action on just three of these to start moving towards the life you desire?

At almost 1.6 million views this video is one to watch!

What Are You Willing To Do To Have Impact?

Do you have a really powerful and vivid dream of the difference you'd like to make in the world, the impact you want to have? Or is your vision evolving?

Either way, whether or not that dream comes to life depends very much on the answer to these questions:

What are you willing to do to have impact? What are you willing to commit to?

When I was an undergrad in college, and really, from the time I was 10 years old, I wanted to be a doctor. When I applied to medical school and wasn't accepted, I was devastated, my dream shattered.

Looking back on it later, I realized that I hadn't been willing to do what it took to be accepted into medical school. I was able, but not willing. I was busy exploring the refreshing freedom of making my own decisions. Not by partying, since that's not my style, but by deciding how I wanted to spend my time in many small ways. At the time, my choices and my vision did not mesh.

Your impact is like that too. Your impact will remain an idea, a dream, until you take action with choices that align with your vision. You have to be willing to make the effort, to do the work of impact.

That can sound like a slog, a pushing from behind. And sometimes, it may feel that way.

But what really pulls you forward is motivation, a commitment to your vision, and a willingness to take action in a way that is consistent with your vision.

That commitment to aligned action takes shape in two ways:

1. Define who you need to be in order to have the impact you want to have, then become that person.

You have hidden capacities that have not yet been fully brought to light. Your impact vision may now call these capacities forward.

For example, as an entrepreneur, you're already a leader. How is your impact vision going to require you to lead? For ideas, look around you. What leader models behavior that you'd like to adopt yourself? What skills do you want to learn that will help you lead?

By learning and practicing through modeling, you'll be able to grow into that person.

Impact isn't a spectator sport. You've got to step into the arena and start practicing.

It can seem like a daunting thing to just show up as someone else. Fortunately, it's not often accomplished by big leaps. Rather, it's something you choose, every day.

Which brings us to #2:

2. Decide how you want to show up, every day.

How you choose to behave in relation to yourself and others is a big indicator of your commitment to your impact vision. You may be wondering what that looks like for you. Here are a couple of examples to consider:

Are you compassionate? Do you care about people and show it by paying attention in your interactions?

Or are you dismissive? Do you show people that they are not worthy of your time in the way you rush around, barely pausing to glance at them?

This is the micro-level of impact. Your daily choices about how you show up do accumulate. They add up to become who you are.

How you show up affects your choice of actions.

And the actions you choose affect how you show up.

In this happy interrelationship, how you show up affects your attitude and changes how you act. When you act in a way that is aligned with how you want to show up, with the impact you want to have, you are being that person you need to be to have the impact you want to have and that inspires you further.

To have impact, when is the best time to put these changes into action? Right now!

Your impact vision without action is just a dream. It can never come to life.

You're a dreamer, a visionary. You've started a business, right?

That's not the whole equation, though, when it comes to impact. People who remain only dreamers stay stalled with an idea. That is not you. You want to have impact. You're also an action-taker.

Developing yourself to become the person who can have that impact is part of your action. You can take action every day, by showing up as the person who can have that impact.

Are you willing to do what it takes to have impact?

Ursula Jorch, MSc, MEd, mentors entrepreneurs starting their businesses and seasoned entrepreneurs in transition to create the business of their dreams. Her coaching programs provide knowledge, support, clarity, inspiration, and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs to empower you to reach your goals. Start with a free guide and other valuable info at

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Sunday 24 December 2017

14 Ways Teenage Entrepreneurs Can Make Money

Do you have a teenager in the house who's constantly moaning that they're bored and never have any money? Well, here you go!

14 ways teenagers can make money through business!

If you're a teenage entrepreneur, which of these tickles your fancy? Which one do you think you could make into a profitable income stream and enjoy in the process?

How to Form The Culture Of Your Business Startup

Right from the very beginning of your business startup's formation, you have already begun to create its corporate culture. Whether you have taken an active role in shaping it or allowed it to organically develop, your corporate culture becomes a part of your business based on your behaviors, vision, and values of your brand. Creating a positive organizational culture can allow your business startup to thrive both internally with your employees and externally as they interface with your customer base.

Being proactive at the beginning of your business startups foundation can work to develop a culture that employees take pride in being a part of and also help to express your vision into the long term. Waiting until you are a more established business with a team of employees to worry about your corporate culture can have a negative impact on your business as you forget about the very ideals that make your business startup who it is. With a little bit of management and foresight now, you can craft a corporate culture that follows your business startup's vision, values, mission, and expected behaviors.

Find Your Purpose

Start by thinking about what the vision for your business really is. You need to think about where you where you are headed and where you want to go. Having some direction early on with your business startup will give you, as well as your employees, something to work towards and aim for. The decisions and choices you make should directly support your vision and allow you to drive your company well into the future.

Along with your vision, you need to create the values that your business startup stands for. This is an important step as this will carve out the ideals of your brand and expectations of your employees. Your employees are just as much a reflection of your business as you are and having values that they can live up to can bring a strong reputation and recognition to your company.

Spread the Message

Once you have developed a vision strategy for your business startup, you need to be vocal about it. You can't expect your team to catch on if they are unaware of its evolution. Spread the message and allow yourself to be transparent about its meaning to you. Allowing yourself to be open and communicative about how your vision and values align with the success of your business startup can create the buzz your company needs to take it to the next level.

Hire According to Your Values

As you add to your team, you need to find the right fit when it comes to your company culture. You want to hire employees that display your brand values as it will be an easier transition into your corporate culture to respect and stand behind what your business stands for.

As you work to select employees to work at your business startup find out what your values mean to them. Look for ways that they already integrate these values into their daily life. A prospective employee that possess experience, as well as your core values, can be a valuable addition to your business startup as they can bring that positivity your corporate culture needs. You can count on them to spread your vision message to others as well as be contagious to other employees that may have not fully onboard with your company purpose.

Reward and Appreciate

It's always nice to offer your employees perks, but as a business startup, the funding may not be there to give a lot. Recognition of your team goes a long way especially for those that display your company values in the work that they do. Develop a reward system to appreciate those that are incorporating the vision of your business startup with customers or in their work responsibilities and choices they make on a day-to-day basis. This small act can boost your corporate culture and make your business startup a company that employee value and cherish.

Think About The Past

With a focus on the future it can be easy to forget about your past, but how your started and where you came from is the very foundation that shaped your business today. Think about your history and the hard work that took to get where your business startup is today. Allow your employees to also understand the story behind your company and what it took to get it to its beginning stages.

Your past is a significant part of the strength of your business and most likely is what you drew your values from. Your employees need to understand the motivation and drive that propelled your business startup forward. Be upfront about your history and embrace it with a furry as it is the sole reason you are in the position you are today. When your employees see your roots, this will impact how they feel about the company and the vision that you have created to take it into the future.

Focus Daily On Your Culture

It is not enough to create your vision and values and be done with your corporate culture. It needs constant cultivation to prevent it from going to the wayside and becoming negative in a blink of an eye. You have an amazing opportunity as a business startup to start your corporate culture from the ground up as it is much easier to manage then change.

Make it a part of your routine to enforce the vision and lead by your company values. With you focus on maintaining a corporate culture that employees enjoy being a part of, you will reap the benefits from their improved productivity and performance.

When you focus on your corporate culture from the beginning stages of your business startup, you can easily create an environment that is positive for all that work there. You will see behaviors that are in line with your core values and strength in your corporate vision. The work starts now but will be well worth your efforts.

More detailed information and useful advice can be found at

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Saturday 23 December 2017

Profitable Small Business Ideas ► How To Make Money

1.4 million people have watched this video and at least 3000 of them loved the ideas! What do you think? Which is your favourite?

Four Suggestions for Developing an Idea for Starting a Business

The first step to finding a business that's right for you is to develop an idea you can become passionate about. Starting a business doesn't require you to develop a new product or process. In fact many successful businesses are started by selling a known successful product or process that is already branded and in demand. If your goal is to start a business, without the involvement of partners, you have to search your inventory of skills as a starting point, for developing a business idea. In fact, it doesn't make much sense to even think about planning until you develop an idea. I offer these four suggestions for how you might develop an idea for your business:

In the end, you have to follow the money. But a good first place to search for a business idea, would be to develop a list of everything you're passionate about. One of your passions could be something that excites other people as well. If your passion is lounging, you could develop an idea for a line of lounging wear or supplies like pillows. If your passion is eating you may be able to develop a new taste sensation. If fashion is your passion, you may be able to design clothes or accessories.

If you have a hobby in which you are an expert, if it has the potential to earn a profit, that may be the source of your idea. If you're an avid model rail road enthusiast, you may be able to build a business around designing custom rail road layouts, for sale. If you like fish or plants, you may design a business around an aquarium or plant decorating company, for rentals to offices. Just be certain you can make a profit because the IRS will frown on hobbies turned into businesses that don't earn a profit.

Consider work and other experiences you already have. Unless you are very young, it's likely you have had many jobs. The issues you addressed at one of those jobs may provide you with an idea you could turn into a business. If you ever worked as a secretary, you could earn a lot more money setting up an administrative overflow service. Performing the overflow work of a few large companies has the capacity to pay far more that most secretaries earn.

If you are creative, have an engineering background or feel you're capable of improving on existing products or processes, consider designing a new product or process. This unfortunately may be the most difficult method for developing an idea for a business. Your new product would need to be branded and promoted. Sometimes it may be best to license your idea to a large company. This is easily the most challenging method for developing a business to start. But, if you think you have what it takes, this may be a possibility. This could lead to the collection of royalties or a big payoff if your idea is good.

The best thing you can do when you are considering opening a business is to absorb all the information you can get your hands on about the industry your business will operate in, idiosyncrasies related to the specific business you plan to open, and best practices for promoting your business. Because once you develop an idea, you then have to determine what problem it will solve for your target market and the consumers most likely to buy your offering. Finding an idea for a business you can open is simply one of the many steps you must perform prior to planning or preparing to open for business.

The Saafenet corporation has the information you need to start and stay in business. Visit our website at to be certain you understand the basics. And if you want additional help,our business consultants stand ready to assist you.

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Friday 22 December 2017

How waking up every day at 4.30am can change your life | Filipe Castro M...

I always used to tell myself that I was NOT a morning person, and then my mentor told me to read The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. That book changed my life; sure, I was sceptical - but I tried it anyway.

As soon as I started hauling my arse out of bed early in the morning, everything started to change for me. Discipline equals freedom and if you want freedom in your life then you need to be disciplined enough to do the things you need to do to get it!

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Which Business Ventures Earn the Biggest Profits?

What was your business venture's net profit margin in the previous fiscal year? Was the projected revenue reached? Is cash-flow adequate and are you able to manage your accounts payable? Were you able to buy decent medical and dental insurance? Were you able to deposit $5K or more into your retirement account? Could you afford to take a vacation this year? If the answer to two or more of those questions is no, I respectfully suggest that you evaluate the future of your business or consulting venture.

If paying bills is often a stretch, if you can barely afford even the least costly health insurance, you infrequently (or never) pay into your retirement fund, if sales revenue has been lackluster for most of the past eight quarters, then it's time to make a change. Your best option may be to not just tweak your business model and engineer a pivot but to explore another type of venture altogether, one with greater profit-making potential.

Sageworks, a financial data service located in Raleigh, NC, analyzed the net profit margins of 16, 000 small businesses that earned less than $10 million between September 2014 and August 2015. The average net profit across all industries in that time period was 7.2%

Surprisingly, the list of top performers consists almost entirely of Solopreneur friendly service industries. Despite the challenges of selling services, especially intangible services to B2B or B2C clients, Sageworks' list demonstrates that it is possible to make money as a self-employed service provider.

While educational degrees and professional credentials pose a formidable barrier to entry for several of these high-yield businesses, others require only a much more attainable certification and license to do business, plus the right relationships to help you build a solid client list.

To enter and build your current business, you drew upon certain of your competencies, professional experiences and relationships and you may have developed additional skills over time. For example, all self-employed professionals must become proficient at sales. That is a skill you can transfer to another venture, such as real estate sales.

It is almost certain that you have competencies that have lain dormant as you pursued the opportunities available to you at the time. Look over old resumes and remind yourself of previous job responsibilities and positions you held while serving on a not-for-profit board or committee.

Did you chair a finance committee or serve as a board treasurer? Were you responsible for preparing monthly financial statements at one or more places of employment? Those experiences could help you repackage yourself as an independent bookkeeper who works with small business clients. If billing and other administrative functions formed the core of one or more of your previous jobs, you may be able to bundle those services and present them as a high-profit business that you can operate from a desk in your bedroom.

Whichever of your skill sets that research shows has the potential to propel you into a new business venture, update and deepen that knowledge with a couple of courses at a community college, or with free online courses at Coursera or Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC). If you'd like to receive a certificate from the school that sponsors your course, it will cost less than $100. Check the list of high-profit businesses below and see how your skills and professional experiences might successfully be applied.

Business                                                                                   Net Profit Margin

Accounting / Bookkeeping                                                      18.4%

Real estate sales                                                                       15.2%

Lawyer's office                                                                        14.5%

Dentist's office                                                                         14.4%

Landlords                                                                                 14%

Health practitioners (chiropractors, etc)                                  13.3%

Physician's office                                                                     13%

Business or technical consulting                                              12%

Graphic and industrial design                                                  11.4%

Administrative services (billing, etc.)                                     11.3%

Architectural / structural engineering services                        11%

Real estate property services                                                   10.1%

(landscaping, cleaning, etc.).

Thanks for reading,


Kim L. Clark is an external strategy and marketing consultant who brings agile skills to the for-profit and not-for-profit organization leaders with whom she works. Please visit to learn how your organization can achieve mission-critical goals when you call on Kim.

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